Prepping for narrative multi-camera

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Start a new project and read up on UNC pathsSequence settings & Preferences.
If a project has more than 3 camera’s and uses an open-GOP codec you have to transcode first.
1. Import all footage using the Media Browser
2. Organize bins by day/location, put all camera + audio-files-to-be-synced in same bin.
3. Learn multi cam syncing
4. Open up a bin, Double click some files from both camera’s and explore which audio track is the best match. This might not always be lav or boom, sometimes the cam mic on 3&4 gives a better match.
5. Select all clips in the bin, right-click and “create multi cam source seq”
6. Set name to Custom and copy/paste the first bin name in top box
7. Synchronize using Audio> choose the track explored in step 4
8. Leave defaults except Audio channels > Mono
9. click ok and let it process. After Processing check if the media settings match sequence settings, if not correct!
10. If bin is empty, repeat with next bin from step 4
If  most multi cam clips are processed but there are a few left-over clips that couldn’t be synchronized
-Right-click the multi cam clip and “open in Timeline”>add the left over clips to the end. (they are usually single shots of one cam when the other wasn’t rolling)
If no, or too few matches where found, go back to  step 4 and explore the audio channels again to figure out what will possibly give a better match. Or use Timecode or Inpoint syncing.
choose that channel or “MIX” in step 7.
11. Repeat until all bins from step 2 are made into multi-clips, double check or rename the clips if necessary.
12. If you want to divide long multi-clips into shorter scenes, duplicate the clip, rename it to reflect the scene, “open in Timeline” and remove all footage that doesn’t belong.
The result of all this organizing should be multi-cam clips that have a descriptive name for one location/scene that will be used as the master clips to edit.
Audio tip: move the usable channels all on the same track and mute the others for easier editing.
WARNING You can only organize the multi-clips before editing, if you do it when multi-clips are used in sequences, the sequences will change. If during the edit more footage for a location/scene comes in, add it to the end of the multi-clip.
Result of organizing is labeled multi-clips, imported footage in Processed Clips bin.

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