1. General Preferences (click for details) (Machine specific, not tied to project)
You have to redo these every time you move to a different station. Or after a reset.
Also be aware that your colleagues might change them. Check!
Set to Frame Size vs Scale to Frame Size.
Always have “Default scale to frame size” checked.
Set to Frame Size> switches to the original high-resolution pixel information.
Scale to Frame Size> rasterizes to the sequence resolution, improving performance.
If you want to zoom past 100% you can uncheck “Scale to Frame” for that clip.
Effect Controls will always display the actual scale values of the full-resolution.
2. The Project settings (Tied to project, moves with project)
-Set Title Safe to: 33, 10, 10, 10.
This reflects the new 90% PBS Red Book Title safe standard for both 16×9 and 4×3 Title Safe.
-Check > Display the project item name and label color for all instances. It makes colors in Project & Timeline consistent.
3. Keyboard Shortcuts: You should know where this file lives, learn to change it, update it and move it wherever you go even keeping a WIN and MAC version.
Learn to map functions that you use all the time like:
-Selection Follows Playhead
-Toggle Source/Program Monitor Focus
-Replace With Clip From Source Monitor, Match Frame
-Deselect All
-Zoom Program monitor In, Out & Fit
-Render In to Out
Print Default Layout on ledger 11×17 paper.
4. The Panel Menu> changes behavior of that specific panel (Tied to Machine)
Timeline Panel Menu
This is where the Sequence start time can be changed.
Also Audio Time Units, enabling Sample level audio editing.
Don’t use the Work Area Bar because it will remove render in to out.
5. Timeline Wrech Menu (Tied to Machine)
Check all except:
1. Duplicate Frame Markers (Dupe detection)
It degrades performance and causes crashing.
2. Composite Preview During Trim
Also causes stalls and crashes.
Trim view still works even when unchecked! It helps prevent flash frames.
1. Make a cut and apply dissolve.
2. During the dissolve in this example there is a flash frame.
3. Grab dissolve with Selection Tool (V)
-Trim view automatically shows how to adjust dissolve.
-In this example make the dissolve end at cut.
4. Check transition.
Check all except:
-High Quality Playback> causes stutters and crashes.
-Show Audio Time Units, see: Sample level audio editing.
-Time Ruler Numbers (clutters the monitor)
6. The Video Keyframe Menu chooses what the line on the video clip represents.
Great for manipulating keyframes in relation to other clips.
The best way to do Speed Ramping.
FX badge colors
A. Gray: No effect applied (default badge color)
B. Purple: Non-intrinsic filter effect applied (like, color correction, blur)
C. Yellow: Intrinsic effect modified (like, position, scale, opacity)
D. Green: Intrinsic and Filter together.
E & F Red underline: Master Clip effect applied.
7. Buttons that toggle functions on/off
These usually have Keyboard Shortcuts or can be mapped.