
Sequence settings here
Project settings here
WIN>Edit > Preferences
MAC>Premiere Pro > Preferences
1. General: Default Settings,  ALWAYS check> Default scale to frame size.
pr-pref-default-scale It makes footage & stills fit the sequence size.
For resizing using original resolution simply uncheck the box in right-click menu pr-scale-check
2. Appearance: Default Settings
3. Audio: Default Settings, except>change all Default Audio Tracks to Mono.
4. Audio Hardware 1of3 WIN-Room with AJA card.pr-pref-audio-HW-room
4. Audio Hardware 2of3 MAC-Room with AJA card.
Also change: Apple-Menu>System Preferences>Sound>Output>AJA KONA

4. Audio Hardware 3of3 MAC or WIN software only.pr_software-a-HW
 Auto Save: Default Settings
6Capture: Default Settings
7. Control Surface: Default Settings
8. Device Control: Default Settings
9+10. Label Colors & Defaults: Default Settings
11. Media Cache & Database should always be local, preferably on a 3rd SSD drive. Unfortunately that means that in a shared project setup the Cache files will get regenerated when you open the project in another room. Until Adobe gets it’s act together this is just how it is. Check the “Write XMP ID” box for a better database experience. More about Cache Files.
pr-pref-mediaNote: You get the best performance out of Premiere with all local drives. Adobe doesn’t know how to deal with files on a network!
12. Memory Default Setting>Performance. Note: Premiere will use up to 16 processors for rendering, but sequences requiring large amounts of memory – like sequences with large stills – will need too much memory and your system will potentially starve on RAM. You can make a struggling system more stable by changing this setting to Memory. Remember to change back to Performance when done.
13. Playback 1of3 WIN-Room with AJA card.2014-1_PLAYBACK
13. Playback 2of3 MAC-Room with AJA card.pr-win-pref-playback
13. Playback 3of3 MAC or WIN software only. > Default Setting.
14-16 Sync, Titler, Trim> Default.