Multi-track audio exports Premiere CC 2014 & 2015

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The audio export is different between 2014 & 2015, make sure to follow the right instructions.
1. Match-frame a piece of footage in your sequence that matches the sequence settings. (keep it loaded into source window until step 4)
2. Select all on your sequence and Copy.
3. In the project window click “new Sequence” > choose any format, click the Tracks button> choose multichannel and the amount of tracks you need.multi14-1
4. Drag the footage from the source window in step 1, down into the sequence and “Change sequence settings”multi14-2
If you don’t get this warning undo and drag (the only way to get this message)
5. Delete the clip you just dragged (NOT UNDO)
6. Paste
You now have a sequence that matches the original sequence with the same content & settings but multi track audio instead of stereo.
7. Window> Audio Track Mixer
Assign the tracks from your sequence to the correct output channels.
8. Test the assignment by:
A. Turning on all-audio-channel-playback on your system (click to make all speakers blue under meters)
B. Solo the tracks you want to listen to and make sure they are panned correct.
Example: Music should be panned left/right, dialog can come out of 2 channels.
It really depends on your delivery specs. Here is a sample template for track assignment:
1+2 VO
3+4 SOT
5+6 FX (usually stereo)
7+8 MUSIC (stereo)
9. Un-solo all tracks after testing and choose: File>Export>Media
First switch to your export preset of choice (for the video)
Then click the Audio tab and choose:
Channels: >The number of channels you need to export from step 3
Audio Track Layout > x Mono Tracks
Channel Layout > Mono
This will create a quicktime with multiple Mono tracks, the universal format for delivering multi-track exports.

















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